Improve with these 5 keys to video marketing for hotels

There is no doubt that video is a great tool that you need to know how to use. With these 5 keys we help you to take advantage of video marketing for hotels.

Five ways to improve video marketing for hotels

Maybe your chain has already produced its own branded video, but it’s still not getting the results it could. No doubt it is a great tool, but you have to know how to use it. With these five keys we help you to take advantage of video marketing for hotels.

1. Video marketing is more than a promotional video.

Branded videos are great when it comes to sharing your values and informing about your product, but as you may have noticed they work best at the top of the funnel. Take advantage of video testimonials to add the human value needed to explain what your hotel chain is like.

It will be easier to build a deeper connection with your current and future customers. Include real customers representative of the target that best represents you. The tourist will be more interested in knowing the reasons why your product is consumed.

2. Social networks are social networks.

Not only YouTube, but also Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are the platforms you have to take into account if you want your video to have greater longevity and better SEO positioning.

To optimize the organic search result of your string you need to be sure that the video is properly tagged, that it incorporates the necessary keywords. And not only that. Make sure that the feedback with users is real to get better visibility, likes and positive comments.

3. User-generated content is essential.

From the range of social platforms, a sector of prosumers (consumer-producers) has emerged as creators of audiovisual content, fundamental in video marketing for hotels.

Let them do some of the work for you. Many of your customers will be encouraged to make comments and videos of their experience. Show that your hotel chain echoes this and use this added value to enhance the credibility and relevance of your product.

4. Influencers are the new opinion leaders.

In this sector of prosumers, we find in social networks a group with a large number of followers who act as opinion leaders on topics relevant to your hotel. Collaborate with them through interviews. Identify the travel bloggers and chefs who have the best acceptance among your target and invite them to give their opinion, so that your customers can associate these characters, so widely followed in the networks, with your brand.

5. Don’t forget the call to action.

When consumers have already interacted with the video and you have succeeded in attracting them, it would be a shame to lose the opportunity to get their conversion. You can make it easier for them to take the next step to purchase by including calls-to-action with attractive offers based on their preferences.

So, don’t let your video be considered a mere advertisement with a low reliability rate and take advantage of video marketing in your hotel. With these tips you will better convince the most skeptical consumers that your product is worthwhile.

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